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Yuusuke Urameshi, a delinquent 14-year-old with a bleak future, gets a miracle chance to change his life one tragic day when he jumps in front of a moving automobile to save a small kid. The rulers of...
6.80 7.26 409Bullies frequently pick on the weak and defenseless, like Yuugi Mutou. Anzu Mazaki, his lovely childhood friend, is always there to defend him, but he can't always rely on her. Despite often causing Y...
7.80 7.22 394The village of Meirocho is home to many Uraras, or fortune tellers, who are experts in various branches of the art. A girl named Chiya, who was nurtured in the woods, travels to Meirocho in search of ...
6.80 7.12 446An original television series called Urawa no Usagi-chan follows the daily activities of eight junior high school students in the Urawa district of Saitama Prefecture. Watch the personalities of Usagi...
5.00 5.37 419"Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku" is a comedy anime series that follows the zany and chaotic adventures of the Urayasu family, a unique and eccentric group living in the city of Urayasu. The series blends humor...
6.89 408When aliens known as the Oni threaten to invade the Earth, they promise to leave under one condition—a randomly-chosen human must win a one-on-one game of tag against Lum, the beautiful daughter of ...
7.30 7.29 809The citizens of the Crayon Kingdom have consistently imagined their princess Silver as a young woman of twelve with a lovely smile. But they don't aware that the princess has 12 terrible habits. The C...
7.60 7.35 506"Urusei Yatsura" is a classic anime series based on the manga created by Rumiko Takahashi. Known for its humor, romance, and supernatural elements, the series follows the misadventures of a high schoo...
7.50 7.72 513"Usagi Drop," also known as "Bunny Drop," is a heartwarming slice-of-life anime series that tells the story of Daikichi Kawachi, a 30-year-old bachelor who unexpectedly finds himself taking on the rol...
8.30 8.37 478Ichigo Amano, a clumsy girl who has a profound passion for eating cakes, has never been good at anything. Ichigo's extraordinary tasting abilities—unbeknownst to her—are revealed following a meeti...
7.80 7.84 392