Haneru Tobitatsu is a boisterous middle schooler who loves to dance. Haneru trains after school every day in front of Memorial Hall, where he gets dancing tips from his idol Jey El, the hottest celebr...

7.10 6.93 493

"Tropical-Rouge! Precure" is a vibrant and enchanting magical girl anime that takes place in a picturesque coastal town called Aozora City. The story follows the adventures of a group of extraordinary...

7.90 7.37 450

"Tsugu Tsugumomo" is a captivating supernatural anime that combines action, comedy, and a touch of romance. Building upon its predecessor, "Tsugumomo," this series continues the story of Kazuya Kagami...

6.60 7.45 499

High school teacher Nozomu Itoshiki has such a negative outlook on life that even the tiniest setback can send him spiraling into an uncontrollable state of despair. Some of these "catastrophes" even ...

7.90 7.77 510

The peculiar instructor of the much stranger Class 2-F is still Nozomu Itoshiki. Every time he tries to teach his kids about the terrible parts of society and the world, he is met with a new set of ch...

7.70 7.87 454

Tatami-chan, a sardonic ghost from Iwate Prefecture who is currently residing in Tokyo alongside other ghosts, supernatural beings, and humans, is the main character of the "pleasant horror gag comedy...

5.20 5.21 483

Following the events of Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo, Saito Hiraga and Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière launch an assault. With the assistance of two additional individuals who poss...

7.00 7.24 458

The narrative takes place in Aquafall, a fantastical setting teeming with water and vegetation and home to fairies and dragons. All life on the earth is in danger from the sudden appearance of malevol...

5.90 6.29 500

Three of the most potent Espers the world has ever seen, they are adorable and cuddly at the same time: Aoi is the calmest and most logical of the three, and she has the power to teleport herself and ...

7.10 7.30 456

Arashi and his Wild Liger are the subjects of the show. The Death Metal Empire, led by Gallagher, is the primary enemy. They have countless Zoids and warriors at their disposal, including the Four Hea...

6.80 6.24 480

Arashi and his Wild Liger are the subjects of the show. The Death Metal Empire, led by Gallagher, is the primary enemy. They have countless Zoids and warriors at their disposal, including the Four Hea...


Earth became uninhabitable in the 21st century, and people began migrating in large numbers to Planet Zi, which is the natural habitat of metallic life forms known as Zoids. Zi is nearing its end many...

5.90 495