Ten-year-old Ash Ketchum lives in Pallet Town and is eager to begin his journey in the world of Pokémon. However, on the day that he is supposed to acquire his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wake...

7.50 7.36 744

Galar is a region where Pokémon battles have developed into a cultural sensation. Over the span of seven episodes, “Pokémon: Twilight Wings” will show in detail the dreams of Galar’s residents...

7.40 7.55 537

When Ash and Brock arrive in Sinnoh, they encounter Dawn, another Pokémon Coordinator who joins them on another trip through the Sinnoh region. For Dawn to compete in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, she n...

7.70 7.24 529

Then, on vacation in the remote Unova Region, Ash, his mother Delia, and Professor Oak meet and travel with Cilan, the Striaton City Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, and would-be Dragon Master Iris. ...

7.50 6.39 477

Then, on vacation in the remote Unova Region, Ash, his mother Delia, and Professor Oak meet and travel with Cilan, the Striaton City Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, and would-be Dragon Master Iris. ...

7.50 6.65 654

Then, on vacation in the remote Unova Region, Ash, his mother Delia, and Professor Oak meet and travel with Cilan, the Striaton City Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, and would-be Dragon Master Iris. ...

7.50 6.27 642

Ash is eager to begin earning his Gym badges as soon as he and Alexa reach the Kalos region. But when Alexa tells Ash that Bonnie, a Gym Leader, is now absent, Ash decides to visit Lumiose City. There...

7.50 7.34 525

Ash is eager to begin earning his Gym badges as soon as he and Alexa reach the Kalos region. But when Alexa tells Ash that Bonnie, a Gym Leader, is now absent, Ash decides to visit Lumiose City. There...

7.50 7.68 475

While on vacation in the Alola region, Ash, Delia, and her Mr. Mime run with Tapu Koko, the protector Pokémon of Melemele Island. Tapu Koko gives Ash the Z-Ring, a piece of equipment that, when combi...

7.50 6.83 516

The backstories of Pikachu as a Pichu, Ash missing Professor Oak's camp when he was 6 years old, and Goh attending Professor Oak's camp when he was 6 years old and seeing a Mew are all told. Goh, a Re...

7.50 7.21 973

Following years of repressive measures put in place by the Terran government, the populace of the colony world Omni banded together in 2535 A.D. to declare their independence from the rule of Earth. T...

5.50 5.35 462

An ancient legend tells of a magical Powerstone that granted its owner any wish desired. Adventurers from all over the globe clash as they seek this mystical gem. Based upon the Dreamcast game, POWERS...

7.00 6.50 475