Christopher Smith / Peacemaker is compelled to join the enigmatic A.R.G.U.S. black ops team "Project Butterfly" after healing from the wounds he sustained during the events of The Suicide Squad (2021)...

6.40 7.31 354

The narrative centers on Mitsuo Suwa, a young child who meets an alien named Superman, later known as Birdman. The extraterrestrial recruits Mitsuo to join a group that upholds galactic harmony and is...

7.90 6.51 545

The narrative centers on Yu Narukami, a shy adolescent who, as a result of his parents' overseas employment, relocates to Inaba for a year to live with his uncle and cousin. Yu and his new friends Yos...

7.60 7.50 441

After being wrongfully placed on probation for saving a woman from sexual assault, Ren Amamiya, a new transfer student at Shujin Academy, is transferred to Tokyo to live with his family friend Sojiro ...

6.70 6.44 489

Zwei was an ordinary person, until one day, while walking the streets a night, he witnessed a brutal assassination. He managed to avoid the sniper, a young girl named Ein, but was soon captured, and h...

6.10 6.49 400

The mysterious group known as Inferno is responsible for a wave of mafia assassinations that happen throughout America. Even though "Phantom" is their most powerful and skilled assassin, a lone touris...

7.60 7.96 480

Kaito, a puzzle-loving high school freshman, is selected as a candidate for "Phi Brain". He and his friend Nonoha find an "unsolvable puzzle" near their school. The puzzle turns out to be a life-threa...

6.30 7.18 490

A young, kind boy named Photon Earth has the word "Baka," which means "idiot" in Japanese, scrawled across his forehead (apparently by his troublemaking friend Aun Freya). One day, after writing "baka...

6.80 7.04 505

Every person in the post-apocalyptic society of Alcia had a unique "Count" imprinted on their bodies, which kept track of a significant part of their lives and served as a measure of their value. Thei...

6.40 6.60 377

Pokémon Chronicles is a TV series comprised of the English-dubbed versions of a number of Pokémon TV specials. Many of the episodes are from the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station show in Japan, b...

7.30 6.86 499

The new animated series Pokémon Generations revisits each generation of the Pokémon video game series to shed new light on some timeless moments. From the earliest days in the Kanto region to the sp...

7.70 7.45 453

Ten-year-old Ash Ketchum lives in Pallet Town and is eager to begin his journey in the world of Pokémon. However, on the day that he is supposed to acquire his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wake...

7.90 7.73 472