"Mouse" is a comedy and ecchi anime series based on the manga of the same name. The story revolves around Sorata Muon, a mild-mannered college art teacher who leads a double life as the notorious thie...

6.30 6.00 389

The plot centers on Mix Juice, a pop idol group that needs any gig to become well-known. At the same time, a young prodigy intends to travel to the Moon without contaminating the atmosphere of Earth w...

6.10 6.01 451

Do you suffer from unwelcome spirit possession? Do you need to send a ghost up into the sky or down to burn forever? If the answer is yes, then you require magic law experts Muhyo and Roji. Their area...

7.10 6.71 456

When the planet of the Heavens was nonexistent in Munto's distant past, humanity had a thriving civilisation. Unknown entities of unknown origin descended onto the world of humans one day. These creat...

6.30 6.97 438

Dr. Akamashi, who is described as a scientist who used to work for the government, launches a coup in the Forland Kingdom at the beginning of the narrative. The dying monarch orders Alita, his daughte...

6.80 6.99 425

Tylor again and again has beaten the odds. With volumes in this series ranging from character sidestories to devastating new weapons deployment, he and the Soyokaze crew have dealt with hardships. The...

7.40 7.21 498

After his parents passed away and he skipped the burial, a 34-year-old Japanese NEET who shall remain nameless is evicted from his home. After some reflection, he came to the conclusion that his life ...

8.40 8.38 1098

Invasion by BETA aliens in 1973 brings about the verge of the end of human civilization. Tactical Surface Fighters are huge humanoid weapons that humanity has built and deployed to its defense lines t...

6.50 7.09 503

The plot of My Hero Academia is set in a world where the majority of people have the capacity to acquire superpowers known as "Quirks," which usually appear in children by the age of four and affect a...

8.40 7.93 2021

The protagonist of the tale is Mai Tokiha, an apparently unremarkable high school student who recently enrolled with her younger brother Takumi at the elite Fuuka Academy. There are several mysteries ...

7.30 7.43 412

The events of My-Otome take place on the planet Earl, which was inhabited by people from Earth millennia ago, in the far-off future. Nanomachines, which enable female virgins to assume the role of Mei...

7.20 7.29 470

A year has passed since the events of My-Otome when My-Otome Zwei takes place. Although still under Miss Maria's instruction since she hasn't earned enough credits to graduate, Arika is now a full-fle...

7.10 7.25 435