In ancient times, humanity battled an evil force using the Titans, legendary creatures summoned by the Seekers. The Seekers fought the underworld and themselves, using the Titans' power. Over time, th...

8.20 142

The Mystery Inc. gang, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo, live in Crystal Cove, a town known for its ghost and monster sightings. The town's tourism industry relies on these supernatural eve...

8.10 166

The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest is a 1990s animated series that follows teenage adventurers Jonny Quest, Hadji Singh, and Jessie Bannon as they investigate mysteries with Dr. Benton Quest and Race ...

7.70 164

The show takes place in the year 100,000,000 A.D. on a satellite orbiting Earth, which is described as a peaceful utopia without problems. All countries have united, and there are no wars, pollution, ...

7.80 164

The city of Zentrix is a utopia thanks to the supercomputer Omicronpsy, created by Emperor Jarad. But Omicronpsy turns against Jarad and takes control of the city. Jarad and Dr. Roark are lost in time...

8.30 129

The show follows three kids who gain powers after being exposed to Zevo compound during an experiment conducted by the evil Dr. Stankfoot. Together, they combat mutant monsters that emerge while navig...

6.00 121

Cubix was created by Cinepix and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment in North America. It aired for two seasons on Kids' WB! and later on FoxBox. In 2010, it was added to Toonzai/The CW4Kids block on The ...

6.00 149

Milo, an outgoing fish, his nervous brother Oscar, and their overly dramatic friend Bea Goldfishberg are the main characters. They attend Fresh Water High, a school located in a pet store aquarium. Th...

6.00 7.40 167

Dudley Puppy, a dog voiced by Jerry Trainor, is the main character of the show. He works as a secret agent for T.U.F.F. (Turbo Undercover Fighting Force). His partner is a cat named Kitty Katswell, vo...

6.40 6.80 140

Vert Wheeler, an expert driver, discovers an artificial dimension called a Battle Zone while driving in the Salt Flats. There, he encounters a sentient being named Sage. Together, they form a racing t...

7.70 7.30 118

Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers is a four-episode motion comic series produced by Marvel Knights Animation. It was based on the 2004 miniseries Loki by Esad Ribic and was scheduled for release in April 20...

6.00 7.50 130

Pink Panther and Pals is an American animated television series featuring the adventures of a young Pink Panther and his friends. It's a spin-off of the classic Pink Panther cartoon series. ...

6.90 7.70 168