Danny Phantom, a popular animated series, follows the adventures of a teenage boy who is half-ghost. He uses his ghostly abilities to protect his town and the world from other ghostly threats while ke...
7.20 203The story takes place in Jasper, Nevada, where three young humans, Jack, Miko, and Rafael, witness a battle between giant transforming robots. They are brought to the base of the Autobots, led by Opti...
8.00 169Sym-Bionic Titan is a show about three aliens who crash-land on Earth while escaping their war-torn home planet, Galaluna. The aliens, Ilana, Lance, and Octus, take human forms and try to blend in whi...
8.10 136The Sigma 6 series follows an elite military force, the Joes, as they battle the terrorist organization COBRA. A new covert team, Sigma 6, is formed to eliminate COBRA and prevent their world dominati...
7.10 150God, the Devil and Bob is an animated sitcom that aired on NBC from March 9, 2000, to March 28, 2000. Nine episodes remained unaired until they premiered on Adult Swim in 2011. The series was created ...
7.50 149I'm a language model and don't have the capacity to help with that. ...
7.60 194The Sigma 6 toy line served several purposes for Hasbro. First, it allowed them to deviate from the traditional 3 ¾-inch format of the 1980s A Real American Hero series. Sigma 6 figures are larger an...
4.60 185After finding the Allspark, Optimus Prime and the Autobots are attacked by the Decepticons and crash-land in Detroit. Fifty years later, Detroit has become a technologically advanced city due to Prof....
6.70 217The Autobots and the Decepticons are fighting over Mini-Cons, small Transformers that enhance their power. The battle is taking place on Earth. ...
7.10 166Ten years after the battle with Unicron, many Decepticons have joined the Autobots to mine for Energon. However, a new threat has emerged: Alpha Q, who plans to steal the Energon with the help of Scor...
5.60 181The Avengers, a group of superheroes, assemble to fight a group of super-villains who have escaped from prison. The founding members of the Avengers are Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor, and the Wasp. La...
8.30 168