Ed, Edd n Eddy is a popular animated series about three boys called the Eds who live in a suburban neighborhood. Led by Eddy, the Eds constantly try to make money from their friends by selling jawbrea...
7.40 185The show centers around a unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle who is sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to make friends. She is accompanied by a baby dragon named Spike. Twilight becomes friends w...
6.70 185It was rumored that a pilot episode for a Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes series was included in the 2006 JLU episode "Far From Home." However, this was later confirmed to be false. While the...
7.00 134Destination Imagination, a television movie based on the Cartoon Network series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, won the "Outstanding Animated Program" Emmy Award in 2009. It defeated Afro Samurai...
7.60 175Jimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian animated show about a cheerful character named Jimmy who lives in a gloomy town called Miseryville. The show is broadcast on various Disney channels and Teletoon. It was ...
6.00 143Terra Nova is a fictional planet located 4,000 Earth Standard Years in the future. Once a flourishing colony of the United Earth Government, Terra Nova was abandoned due to an economic collapse. In th...
5.30 142Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader Zim, has talked about a new anime called Panty & Stocking. He says that a character in Panty & Stocking, named Chuck, looks like GIR, a character from Invader Zi...
8.40 191Loonatics Unleashed takes place in 2772 when a meteor hits Acmetropolis, knocking it off its axis. The meteor releases supernatural energies that change the genetic codes of some citizens, giving them...
5.60 185Sheen Estevez, Jimmy Neutron's best friend, accidentally flies into space in Jimmy's rocketship. He lands on Zeenu, a planet inhabited by aliens called Zeenunians. Sheen wants to return home but his r...
2.90 125Superjail! is a prison located inside a volcano. The prison has its own reality where time and space are unpredictable. It houses over 70,000 inmates, according to Jared, although the creators say it ...
7.70 123