The adventures of the cosmic wanderer as he seeks his lost home after rebelling from his master. ...

The series follows the continuing adventures of the four Ghostbusters, their secretary Janine, their accountant Louis, and their mascot Slimer, as they chase and capture rogue spooks, specters, spirit...

Before Ian and Anthony were stupid adults, they were even stupider babies. ...

Diego Marquez is a young action-adventure hero who loves nature and animals. He's also Dora the Explorer's cousin. Diego's mission, with help from young viewers at home, is to help rescue an animal in...

Gary "The Rat" Andrews is a self-centered, misanthropic defense attorney who awakens one morning to find that he has somehow transformed into a giant bipedal rat. Gary struggles to deal with his trans...

Sinbad Jr. is the teenage son of Sinbad, the famous sailor, and he traveled the world in his single-masted sailboat seeking adventure and wrongs to right, fighting such villains as the Bluto-like, big...

The classic Disney character, Goofy is a single father raising his son, Max in Spoonerville. Pete, a frequent antagonist from the old cartoons, lives next door with his family....

Milo Murphy is the personification of Murphy’s Law where anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Suffering from Extreme Hereditary Murphy’s Law condition (EHML), Milo always looks to make the be...

H.R. Pufnstuf introduced the Kroffts' most-used plot scenario: their fairy tale of good versus evil, as well as their second plot scenario: the stranger in a strange land. The show centered on a sh...

For Horrid Henry, life is just not fair! He feels that the rest of the world is against him and he wages a constant war against the tyranny of adults. Like any headstrong young boy, he is determined, ...