Noddy, Toyland Detective is an animated series that follows the adventures of Noddy, a small wooden boy living in the magical Toyland. As a detective, Noddy is always ready to solve the various myster...
5.90 6.40 22Every morning, 11-year-olds, Nate and Malika leave home 30 minutes early to go to school, and yet every morning they arrive late. That's because every morning, something AMAZING happens on the way. Bu...
7.40 7.60 59Oakie Doke is an energetic, friendly little fellow made of oak leaves, twigs and acorns. Always smiling and having fun, Oakie enjoys his role as Mr Fix-it and problem solver for all his woodland frien...
7.10 7.20 14What happens when Ned overfeeds his 4 inch-long, lethargic pet newt with Zippo Newt Food? That little, harmless newt turns into a five hundred-pound monster called Newton: the most mischievous, glutto...
6.40 18Responding to a range of new dangers across our ever-changing planet, the Octonauts take their adventures beyond the sea and onto LAND! Enlisting their intrepid friends from around the globe as specia...
7.20 7.40 24The Hellmans are a typical, all-American suburban family in every way except one: they're from hell. They've been sent to Earth by Satan, on a mission to stop humans from drilling into their underworl...
5.80 15Nella the Princess Knight is an animated children's series that follows the adventures of Nella, a young princess who also takes on the role of a brave knight. Set in the magical kingdom of Castlehave...
5.10 28Oggy and the Cockroaches is a comedic animated series that follows the chaotic life of Oggy, a blue cat, and his constant battle with three mischievous cockroaches—Dee Dee, Marky, and Joey. Despite ...
7.50 7.60 15Nellie the Elephant is a beloved British children's song that was later adapted into an animated series. The story follows a young elephant named Nellie, who embarks on an exciting adventure with her ...
6.30 19