Human Valorians, chased by the intergalactic warlord Krulos and his Rulons, escape through a wormhole and land on prehistoric Earth. Krulos follows them but becomes trapped in the past as well. Both s...

6.70 7.60 81

After millennia of war, pollution, and various societal issues, humans are compelled to relocate to a new planet called New Earth. However, the Dogstar, a massive space ark carrying all the world's do...

6.00 6.60 78

Set in the 17th century, the story follows a young Dogtanian (D'Artacan in the original Spanish and Darutaniyan in the Japanese version, voiced by Satomi Majima) as he travels to Paris to become one o...

6.80 7.20 113

In this German animated series, each episode retells a famous classical fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm set in the magical land of Simsala. Local characters Doc Croc and Yoyo navigate between the sto...

6.90 7.00 80

The animated sci-fi series is based on Duck Dodgers, the alter ego of Looney Tunes star Daffy Duck. In this series, Duck Dodgers is portrayed as a semi-heroic yet often inept space captain. ...

7.90 6.60 105

In the animated series Doodlebops, favorites Deedee, Rooney, and Moe Doodle tackle problems relatable to preschoolers. The show helps children face situations and solve problems using courage and logi...

7.20 7.80 118

*Sitting Ducks* centers on the adventures of Bill, a duck, and Aldo, an alligator, as they navigate their unusual friendship and the challenges of their world....

7.90 6.70 116

In this animated series from Walt Disney, Scrooge McDuck, along with Huey, Dewey, and Louie, embarks on a variety of exciting adventures. ...

6.60 6.30 131

The show follows the Lee brothers, who were separated at birth. Billy is raised by an elderly martial arts master known as the Oldest Dragon, while his brother Jimmy is brought up by the evil Shadow M...

7.50 7.70 114

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo is a young park ranger who resides in Bushtown who always happens to get in the way of Mayor Croco, his greedy wife Sulka, his pack of goons and his frequent get-rich schemes ...

7.20 7.20 114

The series portrays the misadventures of a group of urban teens as they navigate their daily lives and the challenges they face. ...

7.80 6.20 83

The series follows a teenager named Artha Penn who teams up with a dragon named Beau. Artha, known as the Dragon Booster, is the chosen hero tasked with protecting the dragon world and ensuring its sa...

7.50 6.10 111