Planetes is a science fiction television series that centers on the crew of the DS-12 "Toy Box" of Technora Corporation's Space Debris Section. The mission of the Debris Section is to prevent satellit...

8.20 8.27 328

Alice Sakaguchi, a high school student, her seven-year-old next-door neighbor Rin Kobayashi, an elementary school student, and five other adolescent students are the main characters of the novel. They...

6.90 7.11 465

The main characters of Please Teacher! are a close-knit group of high school pals who deal with a number of life-altering situations that are never too far off from intimate connections. Kei Kusanagi,...

6.90 7.12 396

Three high school kids named Maiku Kamishiro, Karen Onodera, and Miina Miyafuji are the subjects of the story Please Twins! A picture of each person's childhood home brought the three together, and th...

6.40 6.83 458

Every person in the post-apocalyptic society of Alcia had a unique "Count" imprinted on their bodies, which kept track of a significant part of their lives and served as a measure of their value. Thei...

6.40 6.60 377

Pokémon Chronicles is a TV series comprised of the English-dubbed versions of a number of Pokémon TV specials. Many of the episodes are from the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station show in Japan, b...

7.30 6.86 499

The new animated series Pokémon Generations revisits each generation of the Pokémon video game series to shed new light on some timeless moments. From the earliest days in the Kanto region to the sp...

7.70 7.45 453

Ten-year-old Ash Ketchum lives in Pallet Town and is eager to begin his journey in the world of Pokémon. However, on the day that he is supposed to acquire his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wake...

7.90 7.73 472

Ten-year-old Ash Ketchum lives in Pallet Town and is eager to begin his journey in the world of Pokémon. However, on the day that he is supposed to acquire his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wake...

7.50 7.36 745

Galar is a region where Pokémon battles have developed into a cultural sensation. Over the span of seven episodes, “Pokémon: Twilight Wings” will show in detail the dreams of Galar’s residents...

7.40 7.55 537

In this absurdist comedy full of references and meta humor, two high school girls—the tall, considerably more composed Pipimi and the small, particularly fast to enrage Popuko—do insane things and...

6.90 7.28 532

When Ash and Brock arrive in Sinnoh, they encounter Dawn, another Pokémon Coordinator who joins them on another trip through the Sinnoh region. For Dawn to compete in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, she n...

7.70 7.24 529