Many people in the near future have evolved into cyborgs known as "Extended" (Ekkusutendo). However, after a significant battle suddenly came to an end, many Extended who were once warriors turn to cr...
6.70 6.86 519Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, also known as Rai, is a mighty noble who has been dormant for 820 years without being aware of human progress or scientific achievements. The webcomic begins with Rai waking up...
7.10 6.87 352The Western Planet and the Eastern Planet existed in the past. The "Dragon Pulse" crossing the heavens connected the two sides. The once-prosperous society has now become a story of dreams as the worl...
6.30 6.65 468The top student at Momogaoka College of Music, the haughty, multilingual perfectionist Shinichi Chiaki has a hidden desire to become a conductor. He was raised in a musical household and is gifted on ...
8.20 8.28 493In a gift from her long-lost grandfather, 12-year-old Sandy Brown discovers a plush Koala named Blinky that was lost in a shipwreck 38 years earlier. Sandy wakes the koala from "magic sleepytime" by g...
7.50 6.20 447"Noragami Aragoto" is the second season of the "Noragami" anime series. The story continues to follow Yato, a minor deity who dreams of having his own shrine and legions of followers, but currently do...
7.90 8.17 480