Okami-san & her Seven Companions, set in the fictional Otogibana City, follows the life of Ryoko Okami (the titular Okami-san) and her pals, or companions, while they serve as members of the Otogi Hig...
7.00 7.18 467Mei the goat wanders into a barn one night in search of safety from a storm. The goat meets another immigrant in the barn. Despite the fact that they cannot see or smell one other, the two huddle up c...
5.90 6.68 516Strong monsters and villains wreak havoc on a supercontinent version of Earth with four Moons. The Hero Association, founded by wealthy Agoni, uses superheroes to battle evil. Unrelated hero Saitama i...
8.70 8.51 678After being ejected from JPX48 due to a heated exchange with a male admirer, Ai Narata swears she will never interact with a man again. Ai uses her talents and her strong desire to avoid men to try ou...
7.40 7.77 432Excalibur, a sacred sword, was made to assess a person's suitability to rule England. Those who embrace the sword will be known as "Arthur," and they will have enormous power. But there were numerous ...
6.30 6.02 474Sorawo Kamikoshi, a college student, investigates "doors" that occasionally open up into the Otherside, parallel universes where internet creepypasta and urban legends come to life. When Sorawo encoun...
5.90 6.59 532The "Heian Chapter" is set in the midst of the Heian period, when the inhabitants of Kyoto, the imperial capital, are in great pain and pin their last hopes on finding the five magatama, which stand f...
7.30 6.95 481The powerful magic-user nation known as the Nebulis Sovereignty and the technologically superior Heavenly Empire have been at war for many years. In the present, the "Ice Calamity Witch" from Nebulis'...
6.40 6.63 858