The plot revolves around high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta and how he discovers a secret war being fought by mythical girls with supernatural abilities. Later, Kyouta teams up w...
6.00 6.08 548The human race on the planet Vega (also known as Vga) is threatened by a new threat from the planet Altair (also known as Arutea Kai), whose female population was wiped out by a mysterious illness k...
6.90 7.09 500Humanity has utilized written language to communicate across generations for thousands of years since its invention. Writing and hence communication as a whole declined over the centuries as technolog...
5.80 5.72 559Mei the goat wanders into a barn one night in search of safety from a storm. The goat meets another immigrant in the barn. Despite the fact that they cannot see or smell one other, the two huddle up c...
6.00 6.70 718Elk, a bounty hunter in a bizarre futuristic universe, is the main character of the novel. On this planet, advanced but antique technology coexists with primitive attitudes, creatures, and magic. In o...
5.50 6.51 610A strong player named Fubuki Sakuragasaki advances through the ranks of the BAG (Best of Arcade Gamer) competition to win the title of top arcade gamer in the world. The Gulasic Group, an evil organiz...
6.20 5.26 514The planet has been overrun by aliens for some years in the year 2059. Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Tukuto Kenishiro strive to revive the professor's experiment, a gigantic Bio-Mechan...
6.60 6.77 519Akari Mizunashi can't help but think back on her days as a Single now that she is a Prima Undine and in charge of the Aria Company with her own apprentice, Ai Aino. She now has new obligations, which ...
7.50 7.91 586Along with her companions Aika and Alice, Akari Mizunashi continues her education to become a Prima Undine, a certified tour guide gondolier, in the tranquil city of Neo Venezia. These three girls, wh...
8.10 8.18 603Akari Mizunashi, Alice Carroll, and Aika S. Granzchesta are three young women who are still striving to become Prima Undines, expert tour guides gondoliers, in the 24th century on the planet Aqua. Al...
8.30 8.50 613