Soon after starting middle school, Yuri Otani is forced to join the "Alien Party," a dedicated club whose only objective is to apprehend any aliens who try to access school property. Otani, who has sp...
6.10 7.15 577Seiya Kanie is a handsome, perfectionist boy who is compelled by the intriguing Isuzu Sento to attend Amagi Brilliant Park, a theme park that is on the verge of closing permanently due to severe finan...
7.00 7.48 695Futuristic post-war Japan is split into four military zones, each of which is governed by a rival nation striving for total dominance. Despite the fact that the Boundary War, which was fought with th...
6.20 6.31 554When Dr. Ogami was developing one of his most powerful robots, Nanako was used as the subject of a cyborg experiment. Dr. Ogami put Nanako through a lot of suffering in order to make her strong enough...
5.50 5.50 546Angels battle for their destiny and fate in a realm after death. The Shinda Sekai Sensen's commander, Yuri, protests against the god who doomed her to have an absurd existence. On the other hand, Ten...
7.60 8.08 582Any space pirate you meet will tell you that the Oracion galaxies contain the universe's richest mineral deposits. Modern robotics has enabled unmanned freight ships to travel across these galaxies, m...
6.00 5.96 555This anime centers on Setsuna Mudo, a confused high school student who is in love with his 15-year-old sister Sara. He discovers that he is the reincarnation of Organic Angel Alexiel while dealing wi...
6.40 6.28 619Goro Mutsumi, the protagonist, has almost no luck at all, not with employment, not with school, and certainly not with ladies. That is, until he runs into a fortune teller one day who tells him that h...
7.20 6.54 554Misaki Suzuhara is the main protagonist of the story. Despite her lack of height, she is a seventh-grader who recently relocated to Tokyo to live with her aunt Shouko Asami. After her arrival in the ...
6.90 7.26 545