The existence of humanity was in danger fifty years ago when mysterious monsters known as the "Huge" suddenly emerged everywhere. Soldiers in the shape of adolescent girls known as "Lilies" use the ma...

6.20 6.46 659

An organization known as the Demon Seed has been enraging Tokyo in the future with its robberies and enormous robotic Power Suits. The Special Operations Anti-Demon Seed Team, whom are five men in a...

7.00 6.07 588

When Mira Kinohata was younger, she met Ao at a local campsite. Together, they look up at the night sky, and Mira discovers that there is a star named after her but not Ao. The two then vowed to one d...

6.70 6.88 595

The pupils of Caird High School leave for their Planet Camp in the year 2061, when space travel is now technologically and economically accessible. However, soon after Group B5 and its nine members ar...

8.00 8.10 606

According to the storyline, Astro is a robotic boy with superhuman abilities and an AI system that is unmatched to any other robot.  For the purpose of replacing his late son Tovio, his creator Dr. ...

6.90 7.00 608

Professor Tenma made a robotic kid in the likeness of his recently departed son Tobio, believing that since the child had been "reborn," nothing could go wrong. However, he soon learns that the robot ...

7.40 7.13 548

Tobio Tenma, the sole son of Dr. Tenma, a scientist with the Ministry of Science's Department of Precision Machinery, is killed in an automobile accident. He requests the creation of a "super-robotic"...

7.40 581

Giants nearly wiped-out humanity some hundred years ago. The worst part about giants is that they have no intelligence, eat people. And, what's worse, they appear to do so for fun rather than as a me...

9.00 8.53 852

Eren Jaeger confronts a Titan on his first day of junior high and gets his lunch taken from him. He carries a grudge towards the Titans ever since they stole his favorite food, a cheeseburger, and he ...

7.10 7.19 603

Shou Zama, a typical 18-year-old from Tokyo, is called to the Byston Well medieval fantasy universe. When he arrives, he is assigned to the ambitious Lord Drake Luft, who wishes to massively increase ...

6.90 7.06 599

The story takes place on a colonized Mars in the future. Most people live in a few tiny domed city-states that make up the majority of the human race. The term "Barbaroi" refers to people who live out...

5.80 5.88 396

Ayakashi: Classic Japanese Horror retells classic Japanese Horror Tales, with Ykai sharing tragic tales. The short arc from which Mononoke is originated, Bakeneko, is its most famous attribute. It has...

7.40 7.41 574