The protagonist of the tale is Taichi Hiraga-Keaton, a well-born Englishwoman and the son of renowned Japanese naturalist Taihei Hiraga. When Keaton was five years old, his parents divorced, and the y...
8.10 7.60 475Aya Iseshima is walking home from school when she comes across two girls fighting viciously for something dubbed the "Platonic Heart." Aya, who is a martial arts expert herself, steps in to break up t...
4.40 4.61 503In the 1920’s, Inaho resurrects a vampire named Mosquiton with her blood. He awakens and becomes her slave. Now, Inaho is after the O-Part, which will grant her immortality. However, a bunch of supe...
6.20 6.66 490Himari Takakura, a girl who is close to death, is miraculously kept alive by a weird spirit that resides in a penguin-shaped hat. However, the ghost gives Himari's brothers Kanba and Shoma a mission t...
7.40 7.96 488Less than 200 pages make up the first edition of Bonsels' book. The relationship between Maya and her numerous adventures is at the heart of the plot. Maya is a bee that is born during internal str...
6.70 6.49 617Kinjir Sakamachi, a 16-year-old high school student with gynophobia (an unnatural fear of women), is the protagonist of the novel. Gynophobia causes his nose to bleed whenever he comes physical contac...
6.90 7.25 565Mazinger Z is a massive super robot made of a fictitious metal called Super-Alloy Z, which is created from a brand-new element (Japanium) that can only be found in the sediment of Japan's Mount Fuji. ...
7.80 7.26 669Tetsuya battles alongside Kouji in the 2002 OVA Mazinkaiser against Doctor Hell's army. Physically, the OVA version of Great Mazinger is the same as the original, save for the absence of blue coloring...
7.70 7.32 422The story centers on Medaka Kurokami, a dynamic and alluring first-year Hakoniwa Academy student who wins 98% of the vote to become president of the student council. Initiating a suggestion box, she r...
6.50 7.03 468Kuroto Nakano is a young salaryman who lives an extremely stressful and unhappy existence that is nearly fully consumed by his work at the company he works for. After yet another day of excessive labo...
6.80 7.34 662