Any person whose names are written together in a Kiss Note will fall in love right away if they kiss each other, regardless of the situation. This mystical, well-known object belongs to an angel named...
6.30 6.64 516"Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!" (also known as "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!" in Japanese) is a romantic comedy anime series based on the light novel of the same name. The series follows high...
7.40 7.72 579A junior high school student named Yta Togashi suffered from "chniby" during the time, dubbing himself the "Dark Flame Master," believing he had supernatural abilities, and isolating himself from his ...
7.40 7.55 610A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...
7.00 5.83 888"Luck & Logic" is a fantasy action anime series that originated from a trading card game developed by Bushiroad. The story is set in a world where the boundary between the human world and parallel ...
5.30 6.06 489The main characters in Lucky Star's plot are four girls who attend a Japanese high school. The city of Kasukabe in Saitama Prefecture served as the main inspiration for the setting. Konata Izumi, the ...
5.30 7.74 528As a result of a childhood accident that put his life in danger, Shiki Tohno was taken from his family and placed to a relative to raise him. Shiki's father, the head of the Tohno home, passes away ye...
6.90 6.84 616"Lupin III (2015)" also known as "Lupin III Part IV," is the fourth series in the "Lupin III" franchise. Maintaining the classic elements of the "Lupin III" series, this installment brings Lupin and...
7.70 7.91 561The grandson of fictional gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, Arsène Lupin III, is regarded as the world's finest thief and is noted for informing the owners of precious items of his intentions to steal t...
7.80 8.15 693"Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine" is a prequel and spin-off of the "Lupin III" franchise, focusing on the character Fujiko Mine, the femme fatale and occasional ally of master thief Arsène Lu...
7.70 7.77 738The renegade Nexrum Army, who think that Earth should not be involved in controlling its extraterrestrial colonies, and the Regular Army of the planet Jerra are engaged in a violent civil war. The Mos...
4.70 5.02 614