"Little Busters!" is a comedy-drama anime series based on a visual novel of the same name developed by Key. It blends elements of slice-of-life, drama, and supernatural themes. The story revolves a...

6.80 7.49 486

"Little Busters!: EX" is an eight-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series that acts as a spin-off to the main "Little Busters!" series. The OVAs introduce and elaborate on the storylines of thre...

7.40 7.71 434

Karada Iokawa, a young girl who will begin junior high school after the summer break, and Shko Nogami, a young lady who has just returned from studying abroad and who also happens to be the ex-girlfri...

6.90 7.04 528

The massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Elder Tale has amassed a user base of millions of players by the time of its eleventh expansion pack and has achieved international success....

7.60 7.94 602

"Lord Marksman and Vanadis" (known as "Madan no Ou to Vanadis" in Japanese) is a fantasy adventure anime series based on the light novel and manga of the same name. Set in a fantastical version of ...

7.00 7.13 490

"Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King" (also known as "Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou" in Japanese) is an action fantasy anime series based on the arcade trading card game "Lord of Vermilion" developed...

5.10 5.35 520

"Lost Universe" is a science fiction anime series from the creator of the "Slayers" series, Hajime Kanzaka. While it is not directly related to "Slayers," it is considered to be set in the same univer...

7.00 7.01 478

The heroic team Freezing Sentai Gelato 5 is created, consisting of Fud Aikawa (Red Gelato), Hayato Jino (Blue Gelato), Misaki Jingji (Yellow Gelato), Daigo Todoroki (Green Gelato), Haru Arisugawa (Pin...

7.20 7.52 450

The plot of this shonen comedy, which is set in the Kanagawa Prefecture, revolves around Keitar Urashima's attempts to keep a promise he made to a little girl to enroll them both in the University of ...

6.90 7.11 517

"Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club" is a spin-off of the popular "Love Live!" franchise, which centers around groups of schoolgirls who become idols to save their schools. In this series,...

7.20 7.53 531

"Love Live! School Idol Project" is a popular musical slice-of-life anime that revolves around a group of high school girls forming an idol group to save their school from shutting down due to a lack ...

7.20 7.41 532

Chateau Dankworth encounters Song Ryang-ha, a professional hitman, while on one of her assignments as a bounty hunter. He starts pursuing her and trading her information for a date. Although he does s...

6.60 6.90 496