Heliopolis, a neutral space colony, houses a secret weapons research facility producing Gundams for the Earth Alliance. ZAFT, an organization of genetically modified humans, attacks Heliopolis, steali...
168The Boondocks is an animated series that satirizes African American culture and race relations. It follows the lives of the Freeman family, consisting of Huey, Riley, and their grandfather, Robert. Th...
178Keiichi Morisato, a college student, accidentally connects to the Goddess Hotline while ordering food. The beautiful goddess Belldandy appears before him through a mirror. After being evicted from his...
7.40 135The anime series Grappler Baki aired in Japan in 2001, followed by a second series, Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament. The story centers around Baki Hanma's quest to become the strongest grappler in th...
7.50 204Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a 3D animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man. It premiered in 2009 and follows the adventures of Tony Stark, who becomes Iron Man. The series is p...
6.50 147Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 3D animated series set during the period between Star Wars Episodes II and III. It follows the events of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the...
8.40 133Kimi, a resident of the seaside town of Kurosaki, finds herself entangled in a series of troubling and horrifying events. Living in a low-cost housing complex, she wonders if an ancient evil is lurkin...
6.00 5.44 212The Goode family, a liberal family, faces challenges in navigating modern social and environmental issues. They struggle with contradictions arising from their working-class status and their desire to...
143In a dystopian underground society, Ichise, an orphan and prize fighter, loses limbs during a brutal fight. He is rescued by a young doctor who uses him as a test subject for advanced cybernetic limbs...
7.60 6.77 98In a dystopian underground society, Ichise, an orphan and prize fighter, loses limbs during a brutal fight. He is rescued by a young doctor who uses him as a test subject for advanced cybernetic limbs...
7.60 124In a more serious retelling of The Nuku-Nuku Story, Nuku-Nuku, the creation of Professor Higuchi, finds herself entangled in a sinister plot by Mishima Industries to dominate the world. Nuku-Nuku must...
7.60 6.55 161As a Goddess Pilot, I'm part of a group of elite pilots who defend humanity against alien threats. Our lives revolve around our missions, training, and the constant danger we face. We experience the c...
5.77 6.33 138