The city's educational institutions are divided into distinct districts and operate largely autonomously. A central governing body, the General Student Council, oversees the academies collectively. Ho...
5.40 7.51 252In a distant past, an unknown force, simply called the "Unknown," emerged unexpectedly. As a response to this danger, the "Super Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" created the "Shinkalion," a ro...
5.12 5.77 418Masaki Fujiyoshi is a stay-at-home spouse and parent who struggles with feelings of being a burden to his caring husband, Hiromu. This stems from his status as an omega, a secondary gender that allows...
8.20 7.37 325The brilliant detective Conan must solve a series of bombings to save his true love. ...
7.40 7.30 203Individuals associated with Mori Kogoro are being targeted in a series of attacks based on the numerical order of their names. ...
7.30 7.20 229The Phantom Thief Kid announces plans for another heist, and the police believe the target is a newly discovered Fabergé egg. The egg will be on display at the Suzuki Modern Art Museum in Osaka on Au...
7.50 7.60 164The Phantom Thief Kid announces plans for another heist, and the police believe the target is a newly discovered Fabergé egg. The egg will be on display at the Suzuki Modern Art Museum in Osaka on Au...
7.50 7.40 151Three police officers are killed. Ran witnesses the murderer kill her best friend, leading to her memory loss. Now, Conan and Inspector Megure are working to identify the killer. ...
7.50 7.40 158Gin and Vodka, searching for Shiho Miyano, break into Akemi Miyano's apartment and listen to the messages on her answering machine. They learn that Shiho is going to a private viewing of two new skysc...
7.60 7.50 184Hiroki Sawada, a child prodigy and MIT graduate student, has been living under the care of Thomas Schindler, a tech tycoon. After completing a groundbreaking AI system called Noah's Ark, Hiroki myster...
7.80 7.60 166A terrorist attack occurred at Nichiuri TV during the filming of the Satsuki Cup, a prestigious karuta tournament. While the building was engulfed in flames, Heiji and Kazuha were trapped inside. Dete...
6.50 6.40 163Detective Conan investigates a massive explosion that occurs on the opening day of a major Tokyo resort and convention center. ...
6.20 6.10 189