In 1939, Danny, a hopeful young cat, dreams of becoming a Hollywood star. He leaves his hometown of Kokomo, Indiana, and heads to Hollywood to pursue his career. After meeting Pudge, a new friend, Dan...

6.90 6.80 157

The story follows Catwoman as she tries to steal a priceless jewel, which puts her in the crosshairs of a powerful villain consortium, Interpol, and Batwoman. ...

5.60 5.50 195

On New Year's Eve, 1899, Jane and Robert Marryot, a wealthy London couple, return home to celebrate the new century with a midnight toast. Despite having two young sons and being married for years, th...

5.80 5.70 187

Yuki, a student, has never witnessed one of the giant monsters that constantly threaten her city and are always discussed in the news. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters th...


A high school student named Tetsu is tasked with protecting his shape-shifting pet monster, Cenco, from a mysterious boy who arrives in town with the intention of stealing Cenco for his own nefarious ...

6.70 6.60 128

The film begins with the Mughal and Turkish invasions of India. Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, sacrifices his life for the religious freedom and human rights of Kashmiri Pandits. Guru...

7.70 7.60 161

A San Francisco forensic neuropsychiatrist, Eldon Chance, is unwillingly drawn into a dangerous and violent world of mistaken identity, police corruption, and mental illness. ...

7.60 7.50 109

Charlie Brown's team, after a disastrous 123-0 loss, quits in frustration. Charlie Brown, feeling down, wanders off until Linus finds him and shares exciting news: Mr. Hennessey, a local hardware stor...

7.50 7.40 217

The special features a collection of short stories, each focusing on a different member of the "Peanuts" gang during Christmas. These stories are based on classic "Peanuts" comic strips. ...

7.00 6.90 158

In a hidden magical realm beneath the human world, Chun, a young girl with magical powers, undergoes a coming-of-age ritual. She is transported through a water portal to experience the human world as ...

7.00 6.90 142

The challenges and humorous experiences of a teenage girl who has become a zombie. ...

4.30 4.20 165

In the continuation of DADDY, I'M A ZOMBIE, Dixie must once more save the world from a conflict between the living and the undead. While juggling her newfound fame and running for student council, she...

4.50 4.40 185