In *Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva*, Professor Hershel Layton and his apprentice Luke Triton are drawn into an intriguing mystery after receiving tickets to an opera from Layton's former studen...
7.29 7.63 326In "Urusei Yatsura: The Invader Comes from the Space," the space princess Lupica arrives on Earth with a bold plan: she intends to abduct Ataru Moroboshi, not for his looks or personality, but for his...
6.14 6.76 354In this charming retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, we experience the creation narrative from a delightful and unexpected perspective: that of a curious dog. Set in the lush and vibrant Garden of...
6.90 229In this intense continuation of Afro's journey, we see him grapple with the consequences of his past and the weight of vengeance. Afro, known for his artistic skill in crafting wooden sculptures of hi...
7.10 268In "Agent F.O.X.," the suave super spy finds himself in Carrot Town, a charming community populated by friendly rabbits. Tasked with a critical mission to locate a mysterious artifact rumored to be hi...
3.10 235In "Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie," Sakura Kinomoto’s excitement is palpable as she wins a trip to Hong Kong during the Tomoeda Shopping District's year-end lottery. Accompanied by her loyal friends�...
7.55 7.63 222Second part of the Date A Bullet films....
7.46 7.63 303In the film featuring Sakura Kurumi and her fashion club, the excitement builds as they prepare for a major fashion show in Paris. The girls are thrilled to model alongside high school students, showc...
7.33 7.63 254In *K: Missing Kings*, a year has passed since the mysterious disappearance of Shiro, the Silver King. Kurou Yatogami and Neko are deeply committed to finding him, but their search proves fruitless. T...
7.55 7.63 217When souls commit irredeemable sins, they are removed from the cycle of reincarnation and condemned to Hell, a fate reserved for the worst offenders. In Karakura Town, three tormented souls known as t...
7.46 7.62 240As December rolls in, excitement fills the air for Anna Kushina's upcoming birthday. The boys of HOMRA, determined to make it special, plot a surprise party for their beloved "little princess." Ku...
7.49 7.62 233In **Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow**, the story picks up after the graduation of the beloved third-year students—Dia, Kanan, and Mari—leaving the first and second-y...
7.43 7.62 189