The Emerald Department of Marukawa Publishing, a group of vibrant individuals, stands out even at their colleagues' wedding. Invited to provide entertainment, Masamune Takano, Ritsu Onodera, Yoshiyuki...
7.29 7.47 259In the aftermath of the devastating Second Impact in 2015, humanity has been struggling to rebuild. A small group of individuals has discovered the existence of the Angels, malevolent beings bent on d...
7.23 7.47 254Ryo Saeba, the renowned "City Hunter," and his partner Kaori are hired by a model named Ai Shindo to protect her after an attack. Shindo's employer, Shinji Mikuni, is an old friend of Kaori's. However...
7.35 7.46 257The story unfolds in a season of renewal, the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki, fresh graduates of First Magic High School, find themselves on their spring break at their villa on the Ogasawara Islan...
7.14 7.46 187Toei Animation revealed plans to release a Mahoutsukai! Precure movie in October 2016. ...
7.23 7.46 234The Fourth Raikage and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder while discussing a sensitive investigation. The Raikage repels the attacker, only to be shocked to find it is Naruto Uzumaki....
7.31 7.46 238Azaka Kokutou, a student mage, is sent to investigate strange events at Reien Girls' Academy. Another mage is stealing the students' memories using invisible fairies. Azaka's friend Shiki Ryougi, who ...
7.24 7.45 333In 1998, Tomoe Enjou accidentally kills two people in a new apartment complex. He escapes, but the police don't pursue him and there's no news about the crime. Shiki Ryougi helps Tomoe and lets him st...
8.32 8.52 214Leila Malcal, now a Lieutenant Colonel, recruits three criminals to join W-0. Ayano Kosaka, Yukiya Naruse, and Ryou Sayama agree. When they are ordered on a dangerous mission, Leila decides to join th...
7.23 7.45 301In 2017, Europe is under attack by the Holy Britannian Empire. The army forms a special unit, Wyvern, made up of Japanese citizens called "Elevens." These young people pilot powerful robots called Kni...
7.21 7.34 223About 700 million years ago, Earth was covered in ice. This lasted for millions of years. This time, Doraemon and his friends go on a frozen adventure to find something more exciting....
7.24 7.45 216Kenshiro, a master of Hokuto Shinken, a deadly martial art, travels with Lynn and Bart. Kenshiro's brothers, Toki and Raoh, chose different paths. Toki uses his martial arts skills to heal people, whi...
7.24 7.45 262