Kayoko is a young girl starting first grade in 1940, known for being a bit of a crybaby. She enjoys playing with friends, singing schoolyard chants, and spending time with her three older brothers. As...
7.59 7.71 304The film centers on a mystery unfolding during the "Justice Day" festival, an event dedicated to celebrating Sternbild's legendary goddess. As the festivities take place, unexpected events and clues e...
7.45 7.70 280During a J. League soccer match at Touto Stadium, Detective Kogorou Mouri receives a bomb threat accompanied by a riddle hinting at its location. With the safety of the fans at stake, Conan Edogawa mu...
7.65 7.70 288Following the remarkable success of the Sibyl System, Japan begins exporting the technology to other countries, aiming for global implementation. The war-torn South East Asian Union (SEAUn) decides to...
7.45 7.70 199Takato Saijou and Junta Azumaya, Japan's most attractive co-stars, are set to perform together in a play featuring a flamenco showdown. However, Junta's natural talent and lineage give him an edge, wh...
7.63 7.70 239A strange snowstorm strikes Tokyo, revealing that an evil snow queen named Kaguya plans to freeze the entire planet. The Inner Sailor Senshi team up with the Outer Senshi to confront the Queen. Meanwh...
7.36 7.69 286The second installment of the two Hakuouki films continues the story, exploring the characters' struggles and developments as they navigate the challenges of their tumultuous world. The narrative deep...
7.46 7.69 217Six months later, Ikoma and Mumei arrive at the Iron Fortress and enter Unato, a devastated area overrun by the deadly Kabane. In this conflict-ridden zone, they encounter more dangerous Kabane with u...
7.46 7.69 272The anime Kakushigoto is a compilation of the original manga series with additional scenes and perspectives. It tells the story of Kakushi Gotou, a manga artist who hides his profession from his daugh...
7.47 7.68 207In *Naruto: The Last - The Alternate World*, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno return to Konohagakure, basking in the glory of their recent victory over what they believed to be a group of Akatsuki mem...
7.46 7.68 259In *Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld*, after defeating another formidable boss and entering the fifth floor, Kirito and Asuna are captivated by the stunning ruins and mysterious catac...
7.36 7.68 445In *Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack*, set in Universal Century 0093, Char Aznable has taken the helm of Neo Zeon, determined to reshape humanity's future. Believing that true peace can only b...
7.43 7.67 314