A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is led by one of Japan's most powerful magnates, during the Taish era (1912–1926) in Japan. However, the family patriarch une...
6.80 6.37 548When trying to exact revenge on Guardian Hearts for torturing them, Maya, Kurusu, and Chelsea got along great. Guardian Hearts, according to Maya and her friends, typically appears when Kazuya is gett...
5.20 5.85 514The focus of Hantsuki's narrative is the developing romance between Rika Akiba, 17, and Yichi Ezaki, 17. They get treated for their ailments in a hospital in Yichi's hometown. Rika has issues with a w...
7.10 7.48 560When trying to exact revenge on Guardian Hearts for torturing them, Maya, Kurusu, and Chelsea got along great. Guardian Hearts, according to Maya and her friends, typically appears when Kazuya is gett...
5.83 406Kohina Ichimatsu is an emotionless elementary school student who claims to be a doll, lives alone, and only consumes instant noodles. She summons the fox spirit Kokkuri-san when she plays the Kokkuri ...
7.30 7.56 513Excalibur, a sacred sword, was made to assess a person's suitability to rule England. Those who embrace the sword will be known as "Arthur," and they will have enormous power. But there were numerous ...
6.30 6.01 513The GUNPLA Battle U.S. Championship approaches its final round after fierce combat. Here, a specific fighter's figure can be seen. A few months later, Misa Satsukino appears to be in a worse mood than...
6.76 461A series of short films packaged with certain model kits and aired at conventions, the Gundam Evolve series chronicles a number of side-stories, alternative scenes, and even bonus omake from all aroun...
6.00 6.52 504The Universal Century, a period of time characterized by space colonization and space conflict, is now history. The Regild Century, a new age of world peace brought about by human affluence, has begun...
5.10 5.81 502Hello Kitty receives a message from Haro on her television while setting up for a tea party asking her to save Amuro. The next scene on Kitty's television depicts Amuro's conflicts from Mobile Suit Gu...
4.90 6.51 468