The tale is set in Victorian-era Britain and centers on the exploits of Lydia Carlton, a 17-year-old known as the "Fairy Doctor" for her knowledge and fascination with fairies. When she encounters Edg...

6.60 7.22 891

High school student Shungo Ninomiya shares a huge home with his older sister Ryko, a hired gun. Ryko one day sends the Tsukimura siblings Mayu and Mikihiro to live with them. Mayu wants to harness her...

6.30 6.67 498

The narrative takes place in fabled China. Emperor Zhou and the Yin (, In) dynasty are under the dominion of a stunning female fox spirit by the name of Daji, who uses her influence over him to harm t...

6.00 5.37 570

Futaro Uesugi, a talented academic student in high school, has a challenging existence because his mother passed away, he doesn't have any friends, and his father is heavily in debt. When the wealt...

7.70 7.89 512

According to the architecture, the way people are dressed, the technology, and the local environment depicted in the background, the location is similar to a medieval steampunk Europe. The setting for...

6.54 542

Before wizards and witches exploited magic to wage war on one another and bring the earth to the verge of extinction, it was a world full of magic. In order to stop this, a group of wizards created a ...

6.40 6.69 395

Plant spirits and beings that resembled fairies once coexisted peacefully with humans. The plant spirits moved to a new planet they called the "Flower Star" as mankind started to evolve toward greed a...

7.50 6.91 502

After the horrible occurrence known as the Great Hall Tragedy, the continent of Atlatan finds itself once more being engulfed by the fires of war. Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische's wedding,...

7.10 7.22 518

In the port city of Sunny Bell, where their parents have recently relocated and opened a flower store, live two brothers named Yuuri and Ken. Their next-door friend Rose gives them the Mary Bell Pictu...

7.00 6.68 458

Iori Kitahara is getting ready to start college on the Izu Peninsula and is looking forward to living there in a room above his uncle's dive shop, "Grand Blue." But as soon as he meets the neighborhoo...

7.90 8.43 705

The story follows Hanabi, Versus and Thunder, three Pachinko machines, in the guise of young women. ...

6.12 715