Inazuma Eleven, the soccer squad of Raimon Middle School, battles to stay together after being on the edge of disbanding as other schools in Japan compete for the title of having the finest soccer tea...
8.00 7.66 560The project centers on a number of anthropomorphized Sega consoles, sometimes known as "Sega Hard Girls" or "SeHa Girls," each with their own distinct characteristics. The anime series centers on thre...
6.10 6.46 534Jecy is a young guy seeking retribution after his parents were murdered by the Bismark House, an organized crime group out to get a commodity called "lyzorium" at whatever cost. Jecy, a girl named Tia...
6.02 573The connections of Kasumi Kishimoto, a high school girl, are the main subject of the narrative. She moved into her aunt's boarding house, which is home to four Myj High School students, after she enro...
7.00 7.03 496Ten years after the FFI, a shadowy darkness looms over the nation. In the last ten years, both Japan and what was formerly soccer have altered. For those who still enjoy playing soccer, the game has c...
6.90 6.96 496The plot centers on the lives of two young men whose paths cross during the political unrest and social unrest in Japan in the late 1800s. While Manjiro Ibuya is a samurai who is a steadfast defender ...
8.00 7.05 529The narrative starts after the Holy Road soccer tournament has concluded. Returning to Raimon Junior High, Tenma discovers that circumstances have changed. There are no soccer players on the Raimon so...
7.10 7.21 522Inazuma Japan is declared as the winner of the Youth Soccer World Championship, Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFIV2). However, players who had never been seen before were chosen to represe...
6.80 6.63 598The main character of Hidamari Sketch is a young girl named Yuno who, after much waiting, is finally accepted into Yamabuki Art High School. Yuno relocates and begins residing at the Hidamari Apartmen...
7.10 7.44 511Inazuma Eleven, the soccer squad of Raimon Middle School, battles to stay together after being on the edge of disbanding as other schools in Japan compete for the title of having the finest soccer tea...
6.60 6.68 495The story of Orion no Kokuin centers on the "Inazuma Japan" team, which is made up of the top players from the previous Inazuma Eleven games and will represent Japan against international teams.Orion ...
7.50 6.85 577Inferno Cop, a police officer with a fiery head who wants vengeance after his family was murdered by Southern Cross, a dubious, Illuminati-like organization that tries to rule the globe with its diffe...
6.50 7.24 555