"Hora, Mimi ga Mieteru yo!" (also known as "Hey, Your Cat Ears are Showing!" or "Look, You Can See Your Ears!") is a short-form, Chinese anime series that focuses on the slice-of-life and romance genr...
7.25 558The idea of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would seem to be the furthest thing from most people's minds. Hori, after all, is the picture of beauty and intelligence, whereas Miyamura seem...
7.70 7.38 563Hortensia Saga is a medieval fantasy tale of war and chaos. Three years ago, the king was betrayed and murdered by one of his dukes who then rebuilt the kingdom into his own. But now, the original hei...
5.40 5.81 575The Little Prince's journey from his home planet of B-612 to Earth was chronicled in the television series. After arriving in Europe, he sets out on a voyage around the continent, lending a hand to a ...
7.10 6.70 521A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...
6.60 5.49 605"Hoshiai no Sora" (English: "Stars Align") is a sports drama anime that focuses on the members of a struggling high school soft tennis club. The story follows Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student wit...
7.40 7.59 544After his mother passed away, high school student Hiroshi Houshou’s long lost father suddenly reappears, along with two new family members: a new mother who is also a famous actress, and her daughte...
5.33 559Kazuma Hoshino is getting ready to enter a new phase of his adolescence. His brother Ayumu's parents decided it would be best for the family to relocate from the city to a more rural setting due to Ay...
6.20 6.71 512A quiet high school student named Miki Takekasa, who likes to keep to herself. She meets Aya Takayashiki, a recent transfer student, after school one day, and she persuades her to embark on an adventu...
6.60 6.70 565First year student Hina Tsurugi prefers to do indoor activities such as crafting. Having recently moved to a seaside town, she runs into an older schoolmate, Kuroiwa, who invites her to join the "Teib...
7.20 7.41 531Shuichi Nitori is a fifth-grader who transfers to a new school at the beginning of Wandering Son. Another student, the tall, boyish Yoshino Takatsuki, rapidly wins her friendship. Yoshino quickly find...
7.60 7.70 510