Valt Aoi faces off against Aiga Akaba, a "wild child" who grew up in nature, two years after the God Blader's Cup. After a battle, he was motivated to train with Z Achilles, his Beyblade, to become th...
6.45 731"Albator 84," known as "Space Pirate Captain Harlock: Arcadia of My Youth - Endless Orbit SSX" in Japan, is an anime series that aired from 1982 to 1983. It's a sequel to the original "Space Pirate Ca...
7.80 7.38 539The story opens with schoolgirls going about their quiet daily lives, which abruptly comes to an end when old classmates turn into zombies. The plot traces the acts of the girls who were abandoned on ...
5.00 5.20 615With the exception of a study center called "Dreams of Alice" that was established to comprehend the principles underlying these people, the presence of humans with supernatural abilities is kept a cl...
6.80 7.11 537The first half of the series is devoted to the tale from the Allison light novels, and the second half shifts to the plot from the Lillia and Treize light novels. The universe of Allison & Lillia has ...
7.40 7.34 560When Heidi is five years old, her stoic grandfather takes her to live with him in the Swiss Alps. Heidi had been nurtured by her aunt Dete since her parents' passing four years prior. Dete has a great...
7.50 7.33 569Annette, who is 12 years old, was born in Switzerland to a low-income household. She resides in a little village in the Alps with her family. She is a sweet kid who adores her younger brother Dani, 5,...
7.20 6.73 574Khei Inuzuka, a teacher, has been caring for his daughter Tsumugi alone since his wife passed away. Since then, Khei has largely bought ready-made meals for his daughter; however, after meeting Kotori...
7.20 7.53 511Junichi Tachibana's heart was broken two years ago when a girl cheated on him on a date on Christmas Eve. Junichi, a second-year high school student, is frightened of love due to his past and detests ...
6.80 7.30 537Rainy Cocoa Travels to Hawaii, Ame-iro Cocoa! The manager of the Hawaii store is named to be Nozomu Tokura, the elder brother of Aoi. Will he be able to open the store there successfully with addition...
3.70 4.75 546