The action takes place in the far future on the planet Amoi, governed by Jupiter, a supercomputer. The light-haired aristocratic class is permitted to temporarily own the dark-haired "mongrels" as pet...
6.00 6.57 500The animated series offers fresh content and characters while largely based on Part One and the beginning of Part Two of the novel. [3] The March family is shown in the first episode of the series liv...
7.50 7.39 551A group of girls, primarily Chinese schoolgirls, who are given magical abilities and talents and change into the mythical warriors known as the "Fairies of Balala" to battle unknown evil forces are th...
5.76 551Tatara Fujita is a reserved middle school student who doesn't have any specific plans for the future. He has survived by staying out of any conflicts and blending in with the throng. However, fitting ...
7.80 8.19 564In this tale, Washu is to blame for the havoc in the world. Tenchi Masaki must now pose as a student teacher at an all-girls school in order to save it. Unfortunately, because he struggles to deal wit...
5.80 6.15 551Aslan Jade Callenreese, also known as Ash Lynx, was taken from the streets of New York City as a runaway and was fostered by Dino Golzine, the notorious mafia godfather. Ash, who is now 17 and the lea...
8.20 8.50 554Look! It's a bird, it's a plane, or is it Super Pig up there? Karin, a junior in high school, came across what she initially believed to be an injured piglet one fateful day. The piglet, though, was ...
6.70 6.68 539A cluster of delicious, yellow bananas is calmly hung above a plain kitchen counter. One of the thin fruits suddenly starts to tremble, gently at first, then growing ferociously until it pulls itself ...
6.20 6.75 449Following the events of R-16, Aika is now 19 years old, making her 3 years older than in R-16 and 7 years younger than in Agent AIKa. An academy for girls has been experiencing strange occurrences. Th...
6.00 5.87 511Aine Yki, a regular student in the normal division of Star Harmony Academy, encounters Mio Minato from the idol division, who encourages her to join Aikatsu to help her achieve her objective of making...
8.20 7.19 545The tale picks up with Aine Yuuki in her senior year of high school, two years after Aikatsu Friends! She runs across the enigmatic idol Hibiki Tenshou, who is dressed in the glittering jewel-adorned ...
7.15 541The second season of the mini series starring the girls of BanG Dream! ...
6.70 7.77 546