"Anime de Training! Xx" also known as "Ani Tore! XX" is a short anime series that serves as a sequel to "Anime de Training! Ex" (or "Ani Tore! EX"). It aired in Japan from October 2016 to December 201...

4.60 5.58 559

Students at the prestigious Tennomifune Academy receive training in a variety of fields, including the arts and sports. With the exception of Class 1–7, often known as the "Happiness Class," who hav...

6.90 6.96 505

Jinta Yadomi, a tranquil loner, spends his days at home playing video games rather than attending school. His childhood friend Meiko "Menma" Honma pesters him to fulfill a forgotten wish one hot summe...

8.20 8.32 531

Web shorts focusing on each of the 22/7 idols in normal everyday life. ...

6.64 524

"Another World" is a series of Japanese short, science fiction, original net animation (ONA) episodes. It's a part of the anthology project "Worlds End" and premiered in September 2019. The story f...

7.08 530

Cheng Ke has suffered total loss. Despite coming from a wealthy family, he now has to dig through rubbish to retrieve his missing belongings. Cheng Ke unhappily becomes acquainted with the dreadful ga...

8.00 7.07 461

Sailor Stars is split into two arcs, similar to the R Season: Several disputes from the SuperS season are resolved in the first arc, which is also filler. The Outer Senshi, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna...

7.70 7.94 529

Saya, a World Space Association agent, gets a startling communication one day stating that she has been tasked with stopping a significant number of asteroids from colliding with Earth. Sadly, the onl...

5.50 4.38 605

Twin sisters Riko and Rimu Mikogami reside in the naturally beautiful Japanese city of Kamihama. The two discover a weird Kirumin compact in an attic on an otherwise calm day while looking for a stray...

7.70 7.13 642

A 16-year-old high school student named Futaba Yoshioka tries to blend in with her female friends by being "unfeminine" because she has a history of being shunned by her female classmates out of jealo...

7.50 7.65 556

Keeping the balance of the world's deaths through ghost messengers all night long is Boundary Realm, which is on the opposite bank of the Lethe River. Ghost messengers known as the Black and White War...

6.23 502