Yuuri Katsuki, formerly Japan's most promising figure skater, returns to his family home after suffering a shattering loss at the Grand Prix Finale to consider his alternatives. Yuuri's window of oppo...
8.30 7.90 375Humans and anthropomorphic bears once coexisted. The world's bears, however, experienced an odd reaction to a meteor shower that struck Earth: they all of a sudden became aggressive and ravenous for h...
6.70 7.05 411Comedy anime about the generation gaps. The three main characters represent the major generations of Japanese; Yutori (teenagers), Tsumekomi (20-30s) and Dankai (middle age). Tsumekomi-chan is an offi...
6.09 371One of the wealthiest schools in the area is St. President School. The Yukan club, the most well-liked and wealthy group in the entire school, is respected by every student in this institution. Includ...
7.10 5.69 492Heroes and shrine maidens were called after a crisis arose on the sacred tree in the year 300 of the Era of the Gods. With 27 of them coming together, the Sanshu Middle School Hero Club was transforme...
6.80 5.97 385A new period has begun, costing the gods' protection, offering the survivors of humanity a chance to rebuild. After completing their obligations to Taisha, the Hero Club students at Sanshu Middle Scho...
7.30 7.30 430The great Shinju-sama has chosen three ladies to be heros and defend the planet from the foes known as Vertexes, who are destructive beings who pose a threat to its peace and security. Sumi Washio,...
6.90 7.67 418Yuuna Yuuki, Karin Miyoshi, and the Inubouzaki siblings are the members of Sanshu Middle School's Hero Club, which is back in full swing after fulfilling their destiny after the events of Yuuki Yuuna ...
7.66 413The story takes place in the era of the gods, year 300. Yuuna Yuuki lives an ordinary life as a second year middle school student, but she's also a member of the "Hero Club," where club activities inv...
6.46 420Raul Chaser enrolls in the Hero Training Program to pursue his dream of being a hero and defeating the Demon King. The Hero Training Program, however, is put on hold indefinitely when the Demon King i...
6.40 6.83 504"Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita," often abbreviated as "Yuushibu," is a comedy and fantasy anime series based on the light novel by Jun Sakyou. The story takes ...
6.40 6.79 389