Yu-Gi-Oh! takes place ten years after the events of the original. A young child named Jaden Yuki (Judai Yuki), who attends Duel Academy, a school established by Seto Kaiba where aspirant duelists rece...

8.30 7.18 651

LINK VRAINS, developed by SOL Technologies, is a virtual reality environment where thousands of duelists compete in games of Duel Monsters against one another in a location called Den City. As the mys...

5.70 6.63 495

The plot, which takes place in the not-too-distant future in a place named Heartland City, centers on Yuma Tsukumo, a teenage duelist who, while being an amateur, aspires to win the Duel Monsters cham...

5.10 6.37 588

Yuga Ohdo, an elementary school student in fifth grade who enjoys both inventions and dueling, is the star of the show, which is set in the futuristic village of Goha. The Duel Monsters card game's ex...

5.20 6.15 539

Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing fathe...

6.20 6.58 639

Never has Yugo the Negotiator lost a case. No matter what, he has committed to finish each mission he starts. One day, a woman came to him and begged him to free her father from captivity by a rebel o...

6.70 7.08 553

The story takes place in the 300th year of the Era of the Gods on the Japanese island of Shikoku in the fictional city of Sanshu, which is based on the actual city of Kan'onji in Kagawa Prefecture. Th...

6.90 7.37 635

Early in the twenty-first century, yukikaze happens. A dimensional portal that emerged over Antarctica was used by the JAM, an alien army, to attack Earth 33 years before the events of the series. The...

7.20 7.21 353

Fuguno Matsuo has been single for the all of his 24 years, and to make matters worse, a fortune teller said he will never find love. But as soon as he set eyes on Nagisa-sensei, he fell head over heel...

6.60 6.37 457

The main character of the video game and anime, Tomokazu Mikuri, turns 16 and has had a boring life without girlfriends. On the eve of his birthday, he has a weird dream in which a little girl dressed...

5.90 6.08 348

Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki, 23, puts his career on pause after suffering a shattering loss in the Grand Prix Final and other competition setbacks. After spending five years overseas, he retur...

8.30 7.91 644

In the anime, people have built a Wall of Severance to keep bears away from them when a planet called Kumaria burst and turned into a meteor shower that hit earth, causing the bears to become aggressi...

6.70 7.05 438