Nori Kamitsuki recently relocated from Chiba to the Gunma prefecture, following in the footsteps of Otoya Todoroki, a former classmate who did the same while she was in elementary school. He gets ther...
5.50 5.24 717Spunky moped rider Natsumi Tsujimoto, who is working as a patrolwoman for the Bokuto Police Department, is running late and tries to take a few shortcuts. However, Miyuki Kobayakawa, a mechanical geni...
7.10 7.20 650The queen, Yadamon's mother, exiles Yadamon to the human world after she wrecked havoc in the Witch Forest. She does this in addition to trying to teach Yadamon a lesson since she secretly loves readi...
6.20 6.99 500Yamato 2520, which takes place hundreds of years after the first, details the exploits of the 18th spacecraft to bear the name and its conflict with the Seiren Federation. A group of youthful Earth...
6.90 5.78 469The exact identity and provenance of the enigmatic, yellow-masked Storyteller are both unknown. He makes an appearance at dusk where kids congregate and tells scary stories based on Japanese urban leg...
7.10 6.18 430Yuan Ding, an otaku, is taken to another realm while traveling to a conference. a magical and demonic fantasy setting. He makes the decision to work as a gardener where he learns about the fairy seed ...
6.54 491Nie Li was the strongest Demon Spiritist in his previous incarnation and had the highest rank in the martial arts, while being too weak to defend his home when it mattered most. The struggle with the ...
8.30 7.33 428A foxy temptress. A strange misty tree demon. A girl with the power of the goddess Xianjia! Being caught between these women is a feat in it of itself, but our hero Feng Xi must fight in order to prot...
7.13 497Wataru and Tohko were pals in their youth. Because Wataru was a bit of a wimp, Tohko had to shield him from bullies at all times. After that, he relocated to Germany with his family, and they stopped ...
5.85 465Jin Kaito, a high school student who was raised in Tokyo, relocates to Nagoya where he meets Yatogame Monaka, a fellow student who proudly displays her Nagoya dialect. Yatogame won't reveal anything t...
5.70 6.31 539