A TV anime remake of the World Fool News ONA. Takahashi is transferred to a main anchor of a news program, which is known for being a little...weird. This is a comedy about somewhat ridiculous happen...
5.84 380World Fool News is an anime series that revolves around the world of news reporting and satire. The story takes place in a fictional world where nations and organizations are represented by anthropomo...
5.49 451Mikado City is besieged by mysterious entities known as "Neighbors," evil monsters resistant to conventional weapons, when a gate to another realm unexpectedly opens on Earth. A group called the Borde...
7.50 7.98 411Countries from all around the world came together to fight the "Neuroi," a new threat to humanity that could only be defeated by girls with extraordinary abilities. The Neuroi, however, never material...
5.10 6.45 539The vivacious Narumi Momose finds herself late for her first day of work at a new office after snoozing all four of her alarms. She makes a commitment to herself as she runs to catch her train that sh...
7.50 7.95 526"Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Fujita. The story revolves around the lives of Narumi Momose and Hirotaka Nifuji, two office workers who are...
7.94 500The story takes place in 2047. We follow the story of several young girls, each coming from different dimensions. All of them want to join the new project group 48....
522At Higashizaka High School, Daisuke Higashida is a serious first-year student. Even though he is dissatisfied with his family, who doesn't laugh at all and wears him out, he leads a quiet everyday lif...
6.80 7.42 435A healing work about mutual salvation and joint efforts....
541Aoko abruptly enters the world of magi after her grandfather suddenly decides to have Aoko become the Aozaki family's successor. Since then, Aoko moves into the Kuonji Mansion and begins to learn mage...
491Feng Xia, a person who works extremely hard, traverses time and space. He can defeat opponents and obtain their Light Masses of Attributes using his strength, abilities, and techniques he learnt from...
488A weekly series of humorous YouTube shorts released every Friday on Watame's channel. ...
6.71 416