The omake content for "W: Wish" consists of short comedic skits or light-hearted bonus episodes that provide additional humor or character interactions outside of the main storyline. These extras off...
5.28 522The conceptual themes of song, dance, and fashion from the Pretty Series are carried over into the new series, which also introduces the topic of magic. Matsuri Hibino, a first-year student in middle ...
5.80 7.14 499The charming members of the student council at Ousui Academy adore spending time with their infatuation, Kouki Narumi. The student council, which is made up of the mischievous Mihiro Miyase, Toa Na...
4.10 5.39 402"Wagaya no Oinari-sama." is a fantasy anime series based on the light novel series by Jin Shibamura. The story revolves around the protagonist, a high school student named Takagami Noboru, who encount...
6.55 446Because she admires their outgoing and carefree character, Wakaba Kohashi, a wealthy but sheltered girl, fantasizes about becoming a fashionable and trendy gyaru. Wakaba starts the school year with th...
6.20 6.89 403"Wakaba*Girl" is a lighthearted comedy anime that follows the daily lives of four high school girls: Wakaba, Moeko, Mao, and Nao. The series revolves around Wakaba, a sheltered and naive girl from a w...
6.91 468Murasaki Wakako, a 26-year-old woman, enjoys dining and drinking alone, particularly when something upsetting occurs at work. In several solitary outings where she savors various concoctions of food a...
6.80 6.63 388Nan Harding is the new student at Mr. and Mrs. Bhaer's school. Everyone thinks that she is a pain in the head, but not Mrs. Jo. Together with the other kids, they all embark on their personal adventur...
6.12 506The largest city in Japan's northern Tohoku region, Sendai, is home to the small production business Green Leaves Entertainment. Before its final client left, the firm used to handle the careers of ma...
7.40 6.12 384The largest city in Japan's northern Tohoku region, Sendai, is home to the small production business Green Leaves Entertainment. Before its final client left, the firm used to handle the careers of ma...
6.50 6.99 427