This animated comedy-adventure takes viewers on a thrilling journey across salty seas and aboard massive ships, featuring buried treasure and gold-hungry pirates who kidnap young British girls. With a...
8.00 6.50 117What-a-Mess is a beloved series of children's books created by British comedy writer Frank Muir, with illustrations by Joseph Wright. The story centers around the title character, a scruffy and accide...
6.10 7.10 85The film presents an incredible look at the lives of American dinosaurs, showcasing the Feathered Dromeosaurs (Raptors) and the unusual Therizinosaur for the first time. Each story is engaging and tho...
6.30 7.60 124The film follows a group of kids living on the same block, including Tommy, Sofia, and Ralph, who are haunted by a talking dog named Labby, characterized by his black fur and red eyes. Labby takes the...
7.50 6.40 109Set in Hollywood in 1947, the story features cartoon characters, known as "toons," who interact with real people and live in the animated district of Toontown. Private detective Eddie Valiant, who onc...
6.40 7.70 138James and Hilda Bloggs are a retired couple residing in a neat, secluded cottage in rural Sussex, located in southeast England. James often makes trips to London to catch up on the newspapers and stay...
7.70 6.70 121To many, Wolverine stands out as Marvel's greatest hero, renowned as the best there is at what he does. His existence is shaped by a blend of genetics, environment, and possibly divine intervention, m...
6.10 7.40 114The second season of Wind Breaker picks up with new adventures and challenges for the high-speed cycling team. As the team continues to race and push their limits, they'll face tougher rivals, more in...
172The story follows a group of retired superheroes in an alternate version of America in 1985. This alternate history explores their lives and struggles as they navigate a world that has moved on from...
7.50 178Nico Wakatsuki has finished her six years of witch training and is moving back to town by herself. As a new witch, she must choose a familiar to accompany her. However, unlike the other witches, she w...