"Maken-Ki! Two" is the second season of the "Maken-Ki! Battling Venus" anime series. The story continues to follow the adventures of Takeru Ooyama at Tenbi Academy, a high school where the students wi...

6.14 519

Shinkawa, a city bordering Tokyo's Sumida River, serves as the setting for the town where the main character Rei Kiriyama resides. The residence of the Kawamoto family is located in Tsukuda, which is ...

8.30 8.39 505

It follows Maria, one of the most potent witches of her day, who is set during the Hundred Years' War in France. In order to aid the populace and preserve peace, she intervenes between the warring nat...

6.80 7.12 560

"Maria Holic" is a comedy yuri (girls' love) anime based on the manga of the same name. The series focuses on a high school girl named Kanako Miyamae who transfers to the prestigious Ame no Kisaki Cat...

6.40 7.02 504

"Maria†Holic Alive" is the second season of the "Maria Holic" anime series. The story continues to follow Kanako Miyamae, a high school girl attending Ame no Kisaki Catholic girls' school, as she na...

6.23 6.96 569

Yet another expansion of the Marine Boy series. This time 65 episodes were added to the 1966 series and all 78 episodes were sold to the US. The broadcast history of the show in Japan was slightly mor...

7.30 6.30 603

When Miki Koishikawa's parents unexpectedly reveal that they are divorcing in order to switch partners with a couple they found back in Hawaii, her normal existence as a sophomore in high school is co...

7.10 7.45 541

A look at several friends as they look for and hopefully find the one they will be compatable with leading to marriage. ...

4.10 5.29 362

The inhabitants of Mars have a difficult time surviving. Food costs more money and is valued more highly as the economy gets worse. While Gram and his buddies do their best, they find themselves on th...

7.40 7.16 519

To combat the growing threat posed by vampires and their synthetic blood source, the Japanese government establishes a new army unit called "Code Zero" in 1923. All vampires are given the same option ...

6.10 6.61 483

2196 is the year in which the series is set. The "Jovian Lizards," an alien invasion force, and Earth are at war. The ND-001 Nadesico is a space battleship created by Nergal Heavy Industries. Despite ...

7.60 7.50 571

Iron Man creates a new gadget called the Digital Identity Securement Kit, or DISKs for short, with assistance from Dr. Nozomu Akatsuki of Japan. DISKs are intended to aid in the cause of apprehending ...

4.50 5.79 894