Haruka Shinozaki, a regular high school student, confides in attractive, responsible class representative Akiho Kosaka out of desperation, and to his amazement, she accepts. Although Akiho takes datin...
5.70 6.29 735The plot of My Hero Academia is set in a world where the majority of people have the capacity to acquire superpowers known as "Quirks," which usually appear in children by the age of four and affect a...
8.40 7.93 2020The plot centers on Takeo Gda, a tall, chiseled high school student who has trouble attracting ladies since every woman he likes ends up choosing his charming and attractive best buddy, Makoto Sunakaw...
7.80 7.91 351A head injury causes Catarina Claes, a young noblewoman, to one day rediscover memories of her previous existence as a 17-year-old otaku girl. She then realizes that she has been reborn into the otome...
7.30 7.48 480A year has passed since the events of My-Otome when My-Otome Zwei takes place. Although still under Miss Maria's instruction since she hasn't earned enough credits to graduate, Arika is now a full-fle...
7.10 7.25 435Novelist Subaru Mikazuki, who is shy and not good with other people, and Haru, the cat that has been living a severe stray life. This is a story of them suddenly living together and describes the happ...
7.70 7.74 486Futaba Igarashi, a lanky office worker who frequently gets mistaken for a youngster, gripes about her large and loud coworker Harumi Takeda all the time. However, Futaba's acquaintances and coworkers ...
7.40 7.66 495The narrative centers on two reclusive characters, the pragmatist Hachiman Hikigaya and the attractive Yukino Yukinoshita, who, despite having different personalities and ideologies, provide assistanc...
8.00 8.02 609In the near future, an experimental virus that was accidentally released leads to an epidemic that alters everyone's brain chemistry and makes it possible for people to perceive "Phantoms," extraterre...
6.30 6.86 505Mysteria Academy is a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without discrimination to the three factions (men, gods, demons), who usually are engaged in battle with each other. Two of the academ...
5.40 6.66 564