The anime's story, set in Maebashi City in Gunma Prefecture, is about the coming-of-age story of five high school girls. First year high school student Yuina Akagi lives an ordinary but unsatisfying e...
74An action-adventure comedy that follows the adventures of feisty and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl, her dog Suki, and friends Tooey and Trini on their adventures in epica...
8.80 406"Magical Girl"—A profession that undertakes the work of exterminating a kind of natural disaster called "Kaii." Kana Sakuragi, a female college student who struggles with job hunting, is picked up b...
5.23 7.14 135Long ago, alien lifeforms came to Earth, fusing with people on the planet. Due to their appearance, they were dubbed "Mecha-ude," as when fused, they bore a striking resemblance to mechanized limbs. ...
6.78 7.22 112