In this world of the skies, numerous islands float in space. In Zinkenstill, an island full of secrets, lived a kid named Gran and a talking lizard with wings named Vyrn. They stumble upon a girl name...
6.36 366The story will center on the encounter between 10-year-old Sam Wing and Gizmo, a baby Mogwai. Sam and Gizmo embark on a treacherous journey across the Chinese countryside with a young street pickpocke...
7.80 574Two years have passed following the Tendoshuu's invasion of the O-Edo Central Terminal. Since then, the Yorozuya have gone their separate ways. Foreseeing Utsuro's return, Gintoki Sakata begins survey...
8.05 9.04 245Set in the year 2029 and following World Wars III and IV, a Japanese-led Asian block dominates world affairs. The alliance maintains its international supremacy through its elite security force whose ...
7.21 7.66 266The band "given"—comprised of Ritsuka Uenoyama, Mafuyu Satou, Haruki Nakayama, and Akihiko Kaji—has advanced to the final screening of the Countdown-fes Amateur Contest, in which they will be judg...
7.12 8.13 358Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the "Don Glees," an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the wo...
5.12 7.55 322In the year 2027, a year following the end of the non-nuclear World War IV, a bomb has gone off in Newport City, killing a major arms dealer who may have ties with the mysterious 501 Organization. Pub...
6.78 7.55 244With Major Motoko Kusanagi missing, Batou from Section 9 takes on the investigation of a series of brutal murders attributed to malfunctioning gynoids, or sex robots. As he delves deeper, a faulty gyn...
7.65 7.78 243That's exciting news! I'm a big fan of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in 3D. The addition of a new opening sequence is also a nice t...
7.46 7.73 305*In the aftermath of the most devastating conflict mankind had ever experienced, the tiny island of Shikotan became part of the Sakhalin Oblast, and the unhealed border in this remote corner of the wo...
7.34 7.66 215Leon, the current Golden Knight "GARO," dedicates himself to training a young Makai Knight alongside Prince Alfonso of the Valiante Kingdom. They receive a mission to eliminate the most beautiful Horr...
7.37 7.54 238