Gummibar, a popular internet dancing sensation, embarks on his first movie adventure. When Santa goes missing on Christmas Eve, Gummibar and his eccentric friends set off on a wild search from the Nor...
1.04 331A high school student named Sho accidentally discovers a mysterious metal object that transforms him into The Guyver, a weapon-clad armored being. The Chronos corporation, the creators of the Guyver a...
6.03 288Shouzou and Ine Saitou have enjoyed a blissful marriage for as long as they can recall. Even in their advanced age, their love remains unwavering, evident in their precious connection. Unexpectedly, o...
6.88 7.19 391The protagonist quits high school in her second year and aspires to attend university while working independently in Tokyo. One girl is betrayed by her friends and feels lost. Another girl is abandone...
6.66 7.12 319The Evans family faces the difficulties of modern-day living, including social problems. ...
3.70 372The Sigma 6 series follows an elite military force, the Joes, as they battle the terrorist organization COBRA. A new covert team, Sigma 6, is formed to eliminate COBRA and prevent their world dominati...
7.10 149God, the Devil and Bob is an animated sitcom that aired on NBC from March 9, 2000, to March 28, 2000. Nine episodes remained unaired until they premiered on Adult Swim in 2011. The series was created ...
7.50 149The Sigma 6 toy line served several purposes for Hasbro. First, it allowed them to deviate from the traditional 3 ¾-inch format of the 1980s A Real American Hero series. Sigma 6 figures are larger an...
4.60 185Five years before the series began, a massive explosion released nanites into the atmosphere, infecting many living things. These nanites could randomly activate and turn the host into a monster calle...
6.77 149Watching Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie is a unique experience, to say the least. Based on the popular trading card stickers, the film was a commercial flop, grossing less than 2 million worldwide and r...
6.40 7.10 153The Snow Kids are not physically fit, and they lose a friendly match against the Shadows with a score of 4-0. Mei creates smog, and Sinedd offers her the opportunity to join the Shadows. A mysterious ...
6.00 6.40 211