"Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D" is a set of two compilation films of the popular comedic samurai-themed anime series "Gintama." This compilation series encapsulates some of the fan-fa...

8.70 8.43 416

A TV anime adaptation of the Girlfriend (Kari) a mobile game where players can have girlfriends through playing the game. Shiina Kokomi is a hard working but even tempered high school girl who is the ...

4.00 5.92 542

A traditional sport called "Senshadou" involves using tanks from World War II in elimination-style competitions. It is promoted as a kind of art meant to elevate women in society and appeal to men, an...

7.40 7.52 534

The enigmatic "armed gang" known as the Zai has attacked Earth with weaponry that is extraordinarily highly developed and far more powerful than any Terran military equipment. When Shanghai is attacke...

6.30 6.16 563

Shinomiya Kyya is coerced into joining the GJ-bu (lit. GJ Group), an unnamed club that resides in a space of the former school's building. There he meets Mao, Megumi, Shion, and Kirara, four females. ...

6.70 7.31 465

Ayumi Himekawa, a talented competitor, and Maya Kitajima, a dedicated stage actress, are rivals in the story Glass Mask, which tells of their competition. They are both working to achieve the level of...

8.30 8.06 548

Ayumi Himekawa, a talented competitor, and Maya Kitajima, a dedicated stage actress, are rivals in the story Glass Mask, which tells of their competition. They are both working to achieve the level of...

7.60 7.33 503

In a little beach town called Hinodehama ("Sunrise Beach"), Tko Fukami's family operates a glass-working shop. She spends time in a cafe named Kazemichi (, "Wind Way") with her four closest pals. In t...

5.10 5.42 470

A young girl named Haruka Haruno had a goal of becoming a princess like those in fairy tales eight years prior. However, because of her dream, she is consistently ridiculed by her kindergarten classma...

8.10 7.76 551

Teenage Cocoa Hoto walks into the cafe Rabbit House in a small Japanese town with a Continental European feel because she thinks there are rabbits inside that can be petted. What Cocoa actually discov...

7.00 7.94 409

Teenage Cocoa Hoto walks into the cafe Rabbit House in a small Japanese town with a Continental European feel because she thinks there are rabbits inside that can be petted. What Cocoa actually discov...

7.00 7.79 359

A tranquil and routine day for Yamato Hino, a teenage sports fan from Japan, brings on odd calls from an unknown dimension. The young boy, who is terrified and confused, believes that he is having hal...

7.70 6.33 500