Candy spent her early years there after being adopted by the Pony's Home orphanage near Lake Michigan at the beginning of the 20th century. She would frequently come there for rest and to make decisio...
8.00 7.54 569The show focuses on the academic and personal lives of several Nadesico Academy students and faculty members. Kamikura Hiroki, the series' central figure, resides with his younger cousin Elis. While a...
6.60 6.74 554The main character of the anime is a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). In the virtual Drink Planet's Bottle Battles, Kouta aspires to be th...
5.48 471High school student Daichi Manatsu works for the Globe (Gurbu) organization to operate a massive robot known as the Earth Engine Impacter (su Enjin Inpakut) in order to defend the planet from an alien...
6.50 6.40 549The protagonist of Captain Tsubasa, an 11-year-old boy named Tsubasa Ozora, dreams of being the best football player in the world and winning the World Cup; football occupies practically all of his th...
8.30 7.40 569Captain Tsubasa is the passionate account of an elementary school pupil whose goals and aspirations are largely centered upon his or her enthusiasm for soccer. Tsubasa Oozora, 11, began playing soccer...
7.90 7.33 565A synopsis of the prior series is presented in the first 33 episodes. A new character, Shingo Aoi, who is acting in Italy, is introduced in the first new episodes. The world cup then starts, featuring...
7.60 7.27 567The third installment of the Captain Tsubasa manga series is titled Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. The film is a direct sequel to Captain Tsubasa: World Youth Hen and follows the cast's professional f...
7.70 7.42 578Along with her pals, including her recently-returned boyfriend Syaoran Li, Sakura Kinomoto is beginning junior high school. All of the Sakura Cards become blank and entirely impotent after Sakura has ...
7.80 7.65 526