The protagonist of the tale is Minori, a continuously teased and unwell orphan girl. She misses a few days of school after being hospitalized to a hospital in a far-off town on a rainy day. Takashi an...
5.40 540Seoul was rebuilt after the dimensions monsters invaders were driven back. The tale of Closers in New Seoul is presented here. A global invasion of dimensional monsters was unleashed as mysterious di...
6.27 576Cluster Edge Academy is THE school where the children of the elite gather to get ready for their duties as leaders in a world where artificial warriors and religious factions are important players in ...
7.00 6.32 510Qin Xiaolu is a difficult young lady. Her parents split up. Her granny brought her up. She started working at an early age and later began playing pool. She is now engaging in kidnapping and gambling ...
6.07 698An office worker named Johnson lives a monotonous and routine life in the distant future. He is advised to visit the Trip Movie Corporation, a business that enables its customers to experience a dream...
8.00 7.09 590Utopia More becomes the target of the vicious Gypsy Doc of the Pirate Guild when she unearths an ancient document that contains the key to uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos. The laid-back yet ren...
6.86 559Lady has disappeared so Cobra must dive into her past to save her. This is the story of who Lady used to be and how she got that metal body. ...
6.85 536In 2017, the soldiers of the Holy Britannian Empire are encroaching on Europe. The army creates a specialized unit named Wyvern, or W-0, made up of former Japanese citizens known as "Elevens," in an e...
6.60 7.36 725The girls at Ashford Academy have frank conversations in the bathroom and subsequently plan a festival where gender roles are reversed, which excites everyone but Lelouch Lamperouge. The pupils also g...
8.70 6.93 513Even though the Black Rebellion was put down a year ago, the conflict continues as the Black Knights try to reclaim their lost power and the Holy Empire of Britannia tries to spread its influence over...
5.90 7.07 426A vast group of people are cruelly burned alive in blue flames while a boy looks on with cold eyes, as seen by Sakura Sakurakouji. She returns the following day due of her unyielding sense of justice....
6.70 6.71 487