The narrative occurs in the Imperial Era 3015. Due to their ongoing hostilities and bloodshed, Donatia and Kouran, two nations vying for world dominion, are tearing the earth asunder. The island natio...

4.50 6.63 529

Daily humor introduced by Charady and her animals. Each episode is created by a different group of students from Kyoto University of Art and Design's Department of Character Design. ...

5.20 551

The story takes place in a futuristic city in the year 2074, where science has advanced rapidly and the Juralian aliens are preparing to conquer Earth. Ken Izumi, the main character, poses as Chargema...

5.60 4.64 565

Reiji Kirio, a corporate slave, unexpectedly found himself at a different planet one day. He used all of his talents to manufacture better potions, which brought in a lot of money. With this money, he...

5.70 6.49 543

Gena is a crocodile who, up until he obtains a box of oranges, has a lonely life in the city. He discovers a curious small creature inside the carton that he named Cheburashka. They engage in numerous...

6.80 6.46 641

Haruki Bandou, a bashful first-year university student, decides to stop practicing judo after sustaining a shoulder injury because, despite his family owning a dojo, he is unable to find fulfillment i...

6.70 6.68 522

"Chi's New Address" (Chi's Sweet Home: Atarashii Ouchi) is a Japanese anime television series that aired in 2009. It's the sequel to the anime "Chi's Sweet Home" and continues the story of Chi, an ado...

7.80 7.71 511

A new 3D CG anime adaptation of Kanata Konami's slice-of-life manga Chi's Sweet Home has been revealed for the combined 22nd and 23rd issue of Kodansha's Morning magazine, which will be out on April 2...

7.80 6.81 726

a bicycle safety awareness program created in partnership by Chiba Prefecture and Yowamushi Pedal. ...

6.35 757

Honoka Sawada is a lonely young woman who is frequently teased by other people. One night, a bizarre baby named Mao emerges in front of her, and she quickly discovers that the child is actually a baby...

7.30 6.83 528