The top player from Japan in the online game Attack Families, also known as "Tackfam," is Fumiya Tomozaki. Despite having such a prestigious position, he struggles in his daily high school life due to...
7.00 7.14 632The ups and downs, happiness and sadness of first love and teenage romance are the main topics of the anime. Finding the ideal partner is difficult for six students because of their teenage limitation...
6.10 6.46 481The world has been largely destroyed by earthquakes or submerged under the sea in the not too distant future. The mysterious Orphan is at the epicenter of the disturbance. Orphan might or might not ha...
5.70 6.15 706The Republic of Gallia's Neuroi threat was decisively eliminated from the sky by allied forces under the command of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing "Strike Witches" in September 1944, securing the securi...
6.00 6.78 538In the early years of Japan’s Meiji Restoration, a human ronin must unite with an orc assassin to save an elf orphan from their common adversary. ...
5.50 5.40 521Cruzon's citizens are gifted from birth with the freedom to manipulate quartz. They are equipped with technology that enables them to carry out a wide range of functions, including shooting projectile...
6.80 7.26 658Hinata Ema is the lone child of renowned explorer Hinata Rintarou. Ema discovers one day that Rintarou is getting remarried to Asahina Miwa, a wealthy clothing manufacturer. Ema makes the decision to ...
5.90 5.99 547Murakami once had a crush on a young lady he called Kuroneko. Even the young Murakami expressed skepticism when she insisted she knew about aliens and had met them. When she finally gets around to sho...
6.70 6.88 496