"Beyblade G-Revolution" is the third and final season of the original "Beyblade" anime series. The season picks up after Tyson, the protagonist, and his team, the Bladebreakers, have won the World Bey...
8.70 6.93 598"Beyblade: Metal Fusion" is the first season of the "Beyblade: Metal Saga," a reboot of the original "Beyblade" anime series. This series introduces a new set of characters and Beyblades that are made...
6.20 6.82 744"Beyblade V-Force" is the second season of the original "Beyblade" anime series. Following the conclusion of the World Beyblading Championships, the season continues the story of Tyson Granger and his...
5.40 6.69 618"Beyblade: Metal Fury," also known as "Beyblade: Metal Fight 4D," is the third season of the "Beyblade: Metal Saga" anime series. In this installment, the story revolves around the Star Fragment, a me...
6.93 610The two enemies must become quick friends as they are sent into a world tournament together, where they will face intriguing and formidable opponents. A new adversary challenges Ginga for the title of...
6.91 555Seven years have passed since a powerful Blader killed the God of Destruction. Beyblade has entered a new era. Years ago, when Zero Kurogane saw the decisive fight with the lord of destruction, he was...
5.00 6.02 532Akihito Kanbara, a sophomore in high school in the literature club, considers himself to be a "Meganest." Although he looks to be human, he is actually part Ymu, which renders him immortal and immune ...
7.20 7.74 518Mihashi was the previous ace pitcher for the baseball team at his middle school, but it appears that he only held the position because his grandfather was the school's headmaster. He was despised by ...
7.60 7.90 697The series takes set in 2006, between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, following the discovery of a hacking incident in the White House. Leon S. Kennedy is asked to look into the inc...
5.70 6.22 608A Federation agent named Birdy Cephon Altera is pursuing extraterrestrial criminals to Earth. Tsutomu Senkawa, a high school student, is accidentally killed by her when she is chasing one of these cri...
6.90 7.09 570Birdy, a Federation investigator, tracks space criminal Geega all the way to Earth, where he works in the entertainment industry while pretending to be human. Birdy goes undercover herself, assuming t...
7.30 7.43 558